If you suffer from mild to moderate sleep apnea, Dr. Azimi will custom fit an mouthpiece so that you can achieve a full and restful night’s sleep. These devices are custom shaped to your mouth and allow the jaw and tongue to align properly. This alignment can prevent the airway restriction that disturbs sleep and causes the sensation of exhaustion. These devices may also prevent snoring, allowing both you and your partner to gain a full, restful night’s sleep.
Dr. Azimi will create a custom-fitted device for you that minimizes discomfort and ensures the optimal alignment of the jaw and tongue. You may wear your device comfortably throughout the night, and it generally only takes one to two nights to get used to it.
If you or someone you know suffers from Obstructed Sleep Apnea (OSA) then we can help! Call our Las Vegas Sleep Apnea Center today at 702.759.0005 or send an email to info@drazimi.com to discuss how we may be able to help you.